What distinguishes Andhy from everyone else?

We offer strategies that we have tested ourselves.

All services are executed by our own companies.
We have established a holding company to offer our own solutions to almost the entire chain of services involved in the strategies we offer: from our own insurance brokerage, tax and financial management, to rental management and renovation companies. This way, we guarantee quality and significantly improve the economic performance of each strategy.

You will always have a professional dedicated to your account.
The fully personalized services we offer at Andhy include an account executive who is assigned to your plan full-time. This individual will be at your disposal to resolve queries, address any issues, make changes to the strategy, redefine objectives, and attend to any other needs pertaining to your investments.

One Stop Investment Strategy Shop
We have industrialized the entire investment strategy process. This allows us to develop and implement fully customized solutions in a matter of weeks.
Our difference lies in creating strategies tailored around your specific needs, while also managing every facet of the process, resulting in a more profitable and robust investment.
After analyzing your objectives and the current situation, we execute a comprehensive plan includes the purchase of the different assets, their renovation, all the fiscal, bureaucratic and tax aspects and the subsequent management of said assets. You need only concern yourself with your how your investments perform.